all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 7HA 7 0 53.558936 -2.913026
L39 7HB 13 0 53.562324 -2.913433
L39 7HD 7 0 53.565184 -2.92956
L39 7HE 8 0 53.561984 -2.9225
L39 7HF 3 0 53.565167 -2.928276
L39 7HG 15 1 53.550123 -2.925562
L39 7HJ 13 1 53.547269 -2.922647
L39 7HH 14 0 53.559265 -2.925475
L39 7HL 4 1 53.556678 -2.933115
L39 7HN 4 0 53.550205 -2.965154
L39 7HP 9 0 53.557065 -2.930997
L39 7HQ 2 0 53.553933 -2.934624
L39 7HR 10 0 53.56195 -2.94196
L39 7HS 11 1 53.555545 -2.953849
L39 7HT 23 1 53.548408 -2.958352
L39 7HU 2 0 53.545515 -2.977903
L39 7HW 2 0 53.548538 -2.973143
L39 7HX 13 2 53.554354 -2.965442
L39 7HY 42 0 53.563571 -2.971815
L39 7HZ 27 0 53.563921 -2.971868